Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Its not all that common...Our intro

As it happens... we’re twins and we’re starting a blog.

My sister and I were born somewhere in the ‘90’s.  Evangeline was the first to appear and a good 7 minutes later; with a big push Edelweiss  was born. We are identical twins; which means we were one egg that split perfectly in two, creating two little beauties.
 We thought the best way to start off was to share the moment we realized being a twin was something a little bit short of strange. So here we go… 

Photography Credit: David Asiegbunam

Evangeline: We must have been around 7 years old. We were in cute blue dresses waiting by the bathroom. Two animated ladies walked past, the one a smidge overly excited pointed towards us saying in a loud hush; “wow, look at those girls!.. They must be twins!” her friend struggling to fully believe it, looked back to realize we really were twins! From all the commotion they made, I knew that we must have been some special kind of girls.

Photography Credit: Lindie Agenbag

Edelweiss: The twinling and I were 7, sitting in a trolley watching my mom do her evening shopping. The place was way to crowed for this to be fun. Two little blond girls came past looking exactly alike; and the freaky part was they were looking right back at us watching us watching them! Their Mom stopped, turned towards our Mom and asked if we were also identical twins? This started a conversation of how unique identical twins are. This was my moment I realized being a twinling was not a common thing.

Evangeline on the Left, Edelweiss on the right

From that time we've always realized we've had a special connection, sharing a life together has never been more fun! So we've decided we don’t want to just keep this cool life to ourselves. We want to share it with you! Are you ready?  


  1. I'm liking the Blog Evangeline & Edelweiss!!It's heart warming

  2. I love this!!! I love you two!! #twinningitFTW! :D

  3. I'm loving the blog, will enjoy reliving your life through your thoughts - love you girls more than you will ever know xxx

  4. I love this photo of Evangeline xxx

    1. isn't it just lovely? it took some convincing for her to pick this one. but this twin knew it was perfect!
