During the end of last year Evangeline had her final
photography assignment coming up. It led her to inquire the help of Howard in
finding a band to shoot. He had suggested some people, and after thanking him
for his help we received a spontaneous invite: “would you like to be in our
music video tomorrow?”…err, come again...
We had been living at our college during that time and for that weekend we had decided to go home, we had brought our Brazilian friend with us, who wasn’t too keen to be a part of the video, but agreed to come with for the fun of it, she landed up being a part and enjoyed it to!. By the next morning we were ready and arrived at the location, with the wonderful help of a lady who kindly said yes to taking us there. Edelweiss was probably the most excited between the three of us. She was in it to win it!
When we arrived we met the crew, the cast and the band,
The Boys of August-they are a 3 membered boy band who are very talented. When you
listen to the song you'll realize just how much truth there is to that statement.

Let’s go back to the dancing around the bride and groom scene, it
was one of the memorable ones because it was the first scene that we were a
part of, naturally we felt a bit awkward, but as it went on it got better and
better. It was like we were really celebrating the
couple who just got married.
Another highlight from the shoot was the scenes of the babies.
While we were shooting there was an event happening right outside; it seemed to
be a moms and tots event with the fathers there as well. Naturally with these
types of events there were babies! Now one of the lyrics you probably noticed, as
well as part of the song’s title is “Baby it’s you and me.” You can see that
with the combined situations how the idea came up to use some of the babies that
were there, in the video. A brave soldier went to ask for permission and the
parents said yes. The babies took to the boys quiet comfortably; well except
one… see if you can figure out in the video which baby it was. The whole experience
was rather funny.
During a “quick” break we went on a spontaneous adventure looking
for food …you could say our inner modern-day ‘hunter vs the pray’ came out. We
searched high and low looking for a place to eat, surprisingly there were very
few places in this area, which started creating a stronger and deeper desire to
‘catch and devour’ our food. After driving for what seemed too long we found Steers!
- A fast food take-away known for its great burgers and Evangeline’s favorite
fries. Due to the struggle to find food we ran quite late in getting back on
time to the shoot. (Not something we recommend), but luckily we had some grace.

Boys of August, it was an incredible experience and we loved
every moment of it. (If there are any more videos we would love to be involved
So guys, check out the video, tell us if you liked it and
what was the best part for you.
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