Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Which one are you?

Photography credit: Lindi Agenbag 

Twins.. you gotta love em.

Being a twin is something beautiful, both of us feel privileged and honored to be apart of each others lives in this way.  A personal struggle that we have experienced in our lives and imagine other twins have experienced to, is the fight to be recognized as an individual.

It's pretty common to get mixed up between twins, we look a like, we're normally together and share similar names. It happens more often than most people realize; even with family members. We've even had ourselves confused before (read about our experience when we were confused by a photograph in  Who's that girl? and the time we were confused by our reflection Double take.)

Photography Credit: Janice Entee
However, many who have a brief encounter with the confusion, land up feeling rather guilty or embarrassed. It commonly happens that the person is confused with which name belongs where or that they're genuinely confused on who is who.
Being confused is 100% OK. We've experienced this since our early days as most other identical twins have as well. we understand and we genuinely aren't offended when this does happen. Although, there is a tipping point.

Photography credit: Janice Entee
We'll give brief examples of reactions which magically turn us into one person in two bodies. A statement along the lines of "oh, well you're the same so it doesn't matter." or when a 'new' name has been created for us that includes part of both our names (eg: Brangalina: Brad and Angelina) and refer to us as one from there
on out; or the dreaded term "twinnies."

Some of these situations sound rather funny, and some have been. Although we look a like, normally found together and share similar names, it doesn't diminish that we are two people functioning in separate bodies.

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