Loving Tiah is 60 seconds older than her outspoken twin sister Tarah. Born on the 23 of November these girls share the same date with a patent; which was granted for a process of making color photographs in 1863. When looking at the girls it's difficult to tell them apart; even their father has a challenging time. Is it because the girls have such a close relationship that they resemble each other?.. No, we don't believe so; these girls are identical twins sharing Duplicate DNA.

Their family has had a positive influence in their lives; but when their parents got divorced, the girls fought through it together. They persevered through the hard times with God as their strength. They cried together; prayed together and chose to stick together through it all. Some of the difficulties they face in their relationship is when one achieves less than the other. They see how it affects one another and how it leaves the other feeling less adequate. We at TwinningIt relate to this next one personally; occasionally one twin is complimented while the other isn't. It's difficult to reassure your sister when somebody else hasn't. (We'll write a post on this topic shortly)

Tiah and Tarah get the common question "What is it like to be a twin?" The girls answer, saying it's normal for them "we enjoy life and always have someone to talk to." although they look the same, have similar likes and share everything; they know there is a difference in who they are as individuals. Tarah is dramatic; while Tiah is shy, but as soon as she gets to know you she climbs out of her shell. The girls love taking Selfies and are both hard working and loyal. Despite sharing everything, their are certain things the girls hold as their own; for Tiah it's her bags and for Tarah it's her makeup.
The message the girls would like to send out: "Never lose hope no matter what happens in life. Always stick together; your twin is required to be their for you no matter what! And they will, because their is a special bond between you two. Without struggling together their is no moving forward. Love each other... learn to forgive and forget."
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