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The sand dunes in Namibia Photography credit: Remick Lackey |
Hey peeps, so 3 weeks ago there was an outstanding post that my twinnling wrote all by herself and this week i'm doing one too! (Read her post on Sibling Rivalry here; it's definitely worth it)
Well this movie was a good movie, but by the time the end came I was asleep on the couch.
Now before i carry on let me ask you this: Have you ever woken up and not known where you were?
This was exactly what had happened. I woke up from this movie while it was close to the end and my first thought was "Where am I?" I came to the conclusion that i must of been home, but on the couch and it was time to go to my bed. As i started to get up I remembered...
I remembered there were twins in the room, since there are twins, it must have be MY twin and since I am used to waking up MY twin and getting her to go to bed I proceeded to do just that.
I got up off the couch, leaned over to the other and gently woke up MY twin sister with a rub on the arm and the uncommon words "Do you want to go to bed?" only to realize...
Only to realize this was not MY twin. This was somebody else's twin and i'm definitely NOT at home. All of a sudden i noticed all the people around me with words still coming out of my mouth and my hand rubbing someone else's arm. My eyes got big and i had no idea what to do. I just stood there and watched as this poor unsuspected victim started waking up.
I encourage you, when you've just done something like this don't stare and watch the other person wake up. That is strange and it just makes you look like a potential stalker.
Friends, this is the right time to say AWKWARD. Go ahead, say it out loud.
Now, some of you could be agreeing this is a bit awkward and others could be thinking "You didn't say or do anything embarrassing; whats the problem here?"
Yes, i see your point here; But, and this is not the one you wiggle (your bottom).
I was so embarrassed because i didn't know her well enough to be coaxing her out of, what appeared to be a great sleep. The worst part for me is the fact that I was doing this with all the love I had in my heart for my twinnling, to find out this was not MY twin and I'm loving on someone else's twin. That's not a line you cross.
I told my sister the next day what had happened, and I finally told the unsuspecting victim what had taken place; luckily she understood my lopsided thought pattern and only laughed, reassuring me that nothing seemed weird that night.
I said my thanks to the man upstairs and let a sigh of relief out.
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