It helps when you have a Portuguese mother who will not let her family fall apart because one of us borrowed a shirt without asking.
It also helps when you know each others personalities and how they think and function.
At the tender age of 13 we were brought into the world of LEMON Leadership. It changed our lives FOREVER; and in the best way possible (Insert a jingle here)
So now you might be thinking: "Ladies, ladies, what is this thing you talk about?" (Let's imagine this is said in a broken English accent with fantastic hand gestures)
Well let us tell you in their words:
Lemon Leadership will help you to identify which type of leader you are and show you how to apply your specific characteristics within your organization. Understanding these leadership types uncover keys to dealing with yourself and others in situations calling for different types of leaders. Much has been written on leadership, but most writings focus on only two or three types of leaders. In LEMON Leadership, Brett Johnson expands our view of leadership to over five distinct types of leaders.
What LEMON Leadership helps you with is:
Understanding who you really are (and who you are not) as a leader
Understanding who your colleagues or fellow leaders are and how their ‘identity’ affects the way they lead, communicate, handle conflict, etc
Gain an appreciation for your and others leadership DNA and the dynamics this creates at an individual, team and organisational level
Communicate with your prospective clients, clients and suppliers in a way they understand
Alright, now you might be thinking how did this help us, since we were only 13 and this seems to be targeted to building an organisation, more than helping yourself. Those words are somewhat true, BUT this tool is so much more. If you can understand who you are as a leader, you can understand how you function and what you have to offer to those around you, and more importantly you can recognize what others around you have that you don't and you need. Once you know that, it is much easier to value those around you and encourage their strengths and yours so that you can function together and win at life.
Since then we are able to understand why and how each other works and how we can build them up and encourage each other while seeing the value in the work they do and can do. We'll give you a quick example. The N in LEMON is Networker. For us we have high numbers in this area; while our parents do not. Once we all understood that these ladies here behind TwinningIt actually need many people in their lives to feel happy and to win at life.
So as mentioned above this tool here has changed our lives. Our arguing and frustraition levels have dropped. Now we've entered into the clearer communication and better understanding zone, which has in fact changed our lives significantly. Now its not to say that everything is perfect, there are a lot of times where there is still frustration and misunderstanding BUT and the key word here is BUT it has improved our relationships and better yet it has brought more peace and unity and it has helped us to function as a team instead of doing it ourselves.
Changed your life didn't it? It sure changed ours.
If you would like to do the assessment click here
If you would like to order the book click here
Great writing and I really enjoyed reading about lemon leadership. I think I am going to share it with my kids...lets hope they stop the fighting too :)